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Even Flow - Pearl Jam


Even Flow
Album: Ten
Skupina/interpret: Pearl Jam
Délka: 00:04:53
Pořadí: 2
Zobrazeno: 720x
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Freezin', rests his head on a pillow made of concrete
Oh, feelin' maybe he'll see a little better any day
Oh, head down, faces that he sees don't look it ain't that familiar
Oh, girlfriend he can't have when he's happy looks insane
Even flow

Thoughts arrive like butterflies
Oh, he don't know
So he chases them away
Someday yet he'll begin his life again
Life again

Kneelin', looking through the paper though he doesn't know to read
Prayin', now to something that has never showed him anything
Oh, feelin' understands the weather or that winters on its way
Oh, ceilings people fall between all the legal halls of shame
Even flow

Thoughts arrive like butterflies
Oh, he don't know
So he chases them away
Someday yet he'll begin his life again
Whispering hands, carry him away
Him away, him away