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Daughter - Pearl Jam


Album: Vs.
Skupina/interpret: Pearl Jam
Délka: 00:03:55
Pořadí: 3
Zobrazeno: 1481x
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Text skladby

Alone, listless
Breakfast table in an otherwise empty room
A young girl, violins
Center of her own attention
Mother reads aloud, child
Tries to understand it
Tries to make her proud
The shades go down its in her head
Painted room
Can't deny there's something wrong

Don't call me daughter
Not fit to
The picture kept will remind me

Don't call me daughter
Not fit to
The picture kept will remind me

Don't call me
She holds the hand, that holds her down
She will, rise above

Don't call me daughter
Not fit to be
The picture kept will remind me
Don't call me