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Indifference - Pearl Jam


Album: Vs.
Skupina/interpret: Pearl Jam
Délka: 00:05:02
Pořadí: 12
Zobrazeno: 793x
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Text skladby

I will light the match this mornin'
So I won't be alone
Watch as she lies silent
But soon light will be gone
Oh I will stand arms outstretched
Pretend I'm free to roam
Oh I will make my way through one more day

How much difference does it make
How much difference does it make

I will hold the candle
'Till it burns up my arm
Oh I'll keep takin' punches
'Till their will grows tired
Oh I will stare the sun down
Until my eyes go blind
I won't change direction
And I won't change my mind

How much difference does it make
How much difference does it make

I'll swallow poison until I grow immune
I will scream my lungs out
'Till it fills this room

How much difference
How much difference
How much difference does it make
How much difference does it make