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Leash - Pearl Jam


Album: Vs.
Skupina/interpret: Pearl Jam
Délka: 00:03:10
Pořadí: 11
Zobrazeno: 756x
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Text skladby

Troubled souls unite
We got ourselves tonight
I am a fuel.. you are friends
We got the means to make amends
I am lost
But I'm by your side
I am right by your side
Young lover I stand
It was their idea
I proved to be a man
Take my fucking hand
It was their idea
I proved to be a man
Will myself to find a home
A home within myself
We will find a way
We will find our place

Drop the leash
Drop the leash
Get outta' my fuckin' face
Drop the leash
Drop the leash
Get outta' my fuckin' face
Drop the leash
Drop the leash
Get outta' my fuckin' face
Drop the leash
Drop the leash
Drop the leash

We are young
Drop the leash
We are young

Get outta' my fuckin' face
Drop the leash
Drop the leash
Get outta' my fuckin' face
Drop the leash

Delight in our youth
Get outta' my fuckin face