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The Little Things Give You Away - Linkin Park


The Little Things Give You Away
Album: Minutes To Midnight
Skupina/interpret: Linkin Park
Délka: 00:06:24
Pořadí: 12
Zobrazeno: 1560x
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Water gray, through the windows of the stairs,
Chilling me, like an ocean everywhere,
Don't want to reach for me do you?
I mean nothing to you.
The little things give you away.

And now there will be no mistaking,
The levees are breaking.

All you've ever wanted,
Was someone to truly look up to you.
And six feet underwater I do.

Hope decays, generations disappear,
Washes away, as a nation simply stares.
Don't want to reach for me do you?
I mean nothing to you.
The little things give you away.

But now there will be no mistaking,
The levees are breaking.

All you've ever wanted,
Was someone to truly look up to you.
And six feet underwater I do.

All you've ever wanted,
Was someone to truly look up to you.
And six feet underground I do.
Now I do.

Little things give you away.