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War Pigs - Black Sabbath


War Pigs
Album: Iron Man
Skupina/interpret: Black Sabbath
Délka: 00:07:55
Pořadí: 14
Zobrazeno: 4634x
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Generals gathered in their massesJust like witches at black massesEvil minds that plot destructionSorcerers of death's constructionIn the fields the bodies burningAs the war machine keeps turningDeath and hatred to mankindPoisoning their brainwashed mindsOh lord yeah!Politicians hide themselves awayThey only started the warWhy should they go out to fight?They leave that role to the poorTime will tell on their power mindsMaking war just for funTreating people just like pawns in chessWait 'til their judgement day comesYeah!Now in darkness world stops turningAshes where the bodies burningNo more war pigs have the powerHand of God has struck the hourDay of judgement, God is callingOn their knees the war pig's crawlingBegging mercy for their sinsSatan laughing spreads his wingsoh lord yeah!