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Troubles - Alicia Keys


Album: Songs in A Minor
Skupina/interpret: Alicia Keys
Délka: 00:04:28
Pořadí: 5
Zobrazeno: 1389x
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(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Dear lord, can you take it away?
This pain in my heart just follows me by day
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
And at night stalks me like the shadows on my wall
(Mmhmm mmhmm)
Oh my goodness

Verse 1:
Feels like the world is closing on me
Feels like my dreams will never come to me
I keep on slippin' deeper into myself
And I'm scared, so scared

If you're troubled
You just gotta let it go
If you're worried baby
You just gotta let it go
All your hustles ain't for nothing
You just gotta take it slow
When you need me baby
All you do is let me know

Verse 2:
Why does it feel
That my mind is constantly trying to pull me down
I can't seem to get away
Continuous mistakes I know I've made before
How long will I feel so out of place

(Chorus till the end)
