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Through Her Eyes - Dream Theater


Through Her Eyes
Album: Scenes From a Memory
Skupina/interpret: Dream Theater
Délka: 00:05:29
Pořadí: 7
Zobrazeno: 2540x
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Text skladby

She never really had a chance On that fateful moonlit night Sacrificed without a fight A victim of her circumstance Now that I've become aware And I've exposed this tragedy A sadness grows inside of me It all seems so unfair I'm learning all about my life By looking through her eyes Just beyond the churchyard gates Where the grass is overgrown I saw the writing on her stone I felt like I would suffocate Inloving memory of our child So innocent, eyes open wide I felt so empty as I cried Like part of me had died I'm learning all about my life By looking through her eyes And as her image Wandered through my head I wept just like a baby As I lay awake in bed And I know what it's like To lose someone you love And this felt just the same She wasn't given any choice Desperation stole her voice I've been given so much more in life I've got a son, I've got a wife I had to suffer one last time To grieve for her and say goodbye Relive the anguish of my past To find out who I was at last The door has opened wide I'm turning with the tide Looking through her eyes