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House of Wolves - My Chemical Romance


House of Wolves
Album: The Black Parade
Skupina/interpret: My Chemical Romance
Délka: 00:03:04
Pořadí: 7
Zobrazeno: 763x
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I know a thing about contrition
'Cause I got enough to say
And I'll be grantin' your permission
Cause you haven't got a prayer
I said, hey hallelujah
Well come on, sing the praise
Let the spirit come on through ya
We got innocence today

Well I think I'm gonna burn in hell
Everybody burn the house down
She says well, what I wanna say
Tell me I'm an angel
Take this to my grave
Tell me I'm a bad man
Kick me like a slave
Tell me I'm an angel
Take this to my grave

Well a ring around the ambulance
Like I never gave a care
I said, choir boys surround you
It's a compliment, I swear
I said, ashes to ashes, we all fall down
I wanna hear you sing the praise
I said, ashes to ashes, we all fall down
Without innocence today

Well I think I'm gonna burn in hell
Everybody burn the outside
She says, yeah, what I wanna say
Tell me I'm an angel
Take this to my grave
Tell me I'm a bad man
Kick me like a slave
Tell me I'm an angel
Take this to my grave

You better walk like the devil,
Cause they're never gonna leave you

You better hide 'em in the alley
Cause they're never gonna find you a home

And as the blood runs down the walls
You see me creepin' up these halls

Well I should say, what I wanna say
Tell me I'm an angel
Take this to my grave
Tell me I'm a bad man
Kick me like a slave
Tell me I'm an angel
Take this to my grave

Tell me I'm a bad man, bad man… man
Tell me I'm a bad man, bad man… man