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Baby Keep Smiling - Lou Bega


Baby Keep Smiling
Album: A Little Bit Of Mambo
Skupina/interpret: Lou Bega
Délka: 00:03:11
Pořadí: 2
Zobrazeno: 1676x
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Text skladby

It's hot outside so for me it is
a brand new day that I shall kiss
and if you feel the same way too
then do the things that I'm goin do

all we need is a mobile phone
to tell everybody: we are not at home
and if you have to work all day
then listen what I got to say

Baby keep smilin'
you know the sun is shinin'

I put on my glasses
and tell you how sweet your ass is
so would you jump in my caddy
and call me your sweet sweet daddy

all we need is a mobile phone
to tell everybody: we are not at home
and if you have to work all day
then listen what I got to say

Baby keep smilin'
you know the sun is shinin'

(sing along)

keep on smiling
the sun is shining

Baby keep smilin'
you know the sun is shinin'

Baby keep smilin'