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Good To Be Bad - Lordi


Good To Be Bad
Album: The Arockalypse
Skupina/interpret: Lordi
Délka: 00:03:32
Pořadí: 10
Zobrazeno: 712x
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The cutest smiles
But it's all delusion

The sweetest eyes
It's just a grand illusion

When they're bad
they just gets better
Like saints full of sin
And again the constrictor queens
will shed their skin

All the naughty lordi girls
They know it's good the be bad
They're gonna claw before they purr
They know it's good
Good to be bad

In a girl disguise
You'll fall into confusion

Now they might
Play it nice
But you're heading for an execution

When they're bad
they just gets better
Like saints full of sin
And again the constrictor queens
will shed their skin

All the naughty lordi girls
They know it's good the be bad
They're gonna claw before they purr
They know it's good
Good to be bad
Yeah yeah yeah!