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The Night Of The Loving Dead - Lordi


The Night Of The Loving Dead
Album: The Arockalypse
Skupina/interpret: Lordi
Délka: 00:03:10
Pořadí: 11
Zobrazeno: 772x
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Text skladby

Now beware the streets tonite
Lay low 'till the sunrise
The undead casanova's hunt for love

(You may)
Lock the doors, drop the blinds
Keep quiet and stay inside
But nothing helps when push comes to shove

Bequeath the loving - My body's cold
I take you in my coffin where you can kiss my bones

On the Night of the loving dead
Love the un-living, no skins attached
On the Night of the loving dead
the Night of the loving dead

Dressing sharp, au naturel
Lookin drop dead gorgeous
Sins of the rotten flesh for you to hold

My caress is terminal
'cause my touch is torture
There's no way in hell I'd let you go

Bequeath the loving - My body's cold
I take you in my coffin where you can kiss my bones

On the Night of the loving dead
Love the un-living, no skins attached
On the Night of the loving dead
the Night of the loving dead

Six feet underground
If I had a heart you would make it pound
You make the dead come alive

On the Night of the loving dead
Love the un-living, no skins attached
On the Night of the loving dead
the Night of the loving dead