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Blood Red Sandman - Lordi


Blood Red Sandman
Album: The Monster Show
Skupina/interpret: Lordi
Délka: 00:04:04
Pořadí: 3
Zobrazeno: 802x
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"They called me the Leather Apron
They called me the smiling Jack
They prayed to the heavens above
That I would never ever come back"

Can you hear how the children weep?
Chills of fear like a sawblade cutting deep

Once again there is pain
I bring flames - I bring cold
I'm the Blood Red Sandman coming home
On this unholy night I will make you my own
Blood Red Sandman
Coming home again

Red drops stain satin so white
-"The way I sign my name"
The neighborhood's pretty dead at night
-"And I'm the one to blame"

Scream all you want you won't wake up when you scream
"No-one leaves.....
..... The Monsterican Dream"