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Forsaken Fashion Dolls - Lordi


Forsaken Fashion Dolls
Album: The Monster Show
Skupina/interpret: Lordi
Délka: 00:03:44
Pořadí: 10
Zobrazeno: 738x
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Even in a dream - You won't ever be safe
from your past mistakes - the naked rage
In your mind - they're just one step behind
they'll drag you deeper in - to meet your sins

You're down there all alone
They'll never let you go, no no

Forsaken fashion dolls
will follow you forever
white eyes of sheer despite will dog you 'till you die
Forsaken fashion dolls
You're meant to be together
just cry your silent scream tonite

Lock you tight - bury you alive
eat you up inside - feel your soul decline
But outta sight does not mean it's outta mind
They watch you suffer in you plight
so goddamn satisfied

You're down there all alone
They'll never let you go, no no

Forsaken fashion dolls
Will follow you forever
white eyes of sheer despite will dog you 'till you die
Forsaken fashion dolls
You're meant to be together
just cry your silent scream tonite