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Distant Dreamer - Duffy


Distant Dreamer
Album: Rockferry
Skupina/interpret: Duffy
Délka: 00:05:05
Pořadí: 10
Zobrazeno: 902x
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Text skladby

Although you think I cope
My head is filled with hope
Of some place other than here

Although you think I smile
Inside and all the while
I'm wondering about my destiny

I'm thinking about all the things
I'd like to do in my life

I'm a dreamer
A distant dreamer
Dreaming far away
From today

Even when you see me frown
My heart won't let me down
Because I know there's better things to come, oh yeah

And when life gets tough
And I feel like .. enough
I hold on to a distant star

I'm thinking about all the things
I'd like to do in my life

I'm a dreamer
A distant dreamer
Dreaming far away
From today

I'm a dreamer
A distant dreamer
Dreaming far away
From today

Yeah, I'm a dreamer

I'm a dreamer
A distant dreamer
Dreaming far away
From today

Yeah, I'm a dreamer

I'm a dreamer