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Hanging On Too Long - Duffy


Hanging On Too Long
Album: Rockferry
Skupina/interpret: Duffy
Délka: 00:03:56
Pořadí: 6
Zobrazeno: 962x
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It was just my mistake
Thinking you cared
It was just my mistake
Thinking you'd be there
That you'd be by my side
And that you wouldn't lie
My mistake

It was just my false hope
Thinking we'd last, yeah
It was just my false hope
Forgot all your pests
All those girls you denied
Smashed up hearts hung out to dry

I know it's wrong
Hanging on too long
I know it's wrong
Hanging on too long
But I beat 'em all
Hanging on too long

I was a fool for you
Right from the start, yeah
I was a fool for you
Hoping for a spark
For some kind of sign
That you would be mine

I know it's wrong, I do
Hanging on too long
And I know it's wrong
Hanging on too long

My heart was clutching
To one fair right
My head was pumping
It could put up a fight

I know it's wrong
Hanging on too long
And I know it's wrong
Hanging on too long
And I need to move on
I'm hanging on too long

I know it's wrong
Hanging on too long
And I know it's wrong
Hanging on too long