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What You Are - Audioslave


What You Are
Album: Audioslave
Skupina/interpret: Audioslave
Délka: 00:04:09
Pořadí: 4
Zobrazeno: 929x
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And when you wanted me
I came to you
And when you wanted someone else
I withdrew
And when you asked for light
I set myself on fire
And if I go far away I know
You'll find another slave

'Cause now I'm free from what you want
Now I'm free from what you need
Now I'm free from what you are

And when you wanted blood
I cut my veins
And when you wanted love
I bled myself again
Now that I've had my fill of you
I'll give you up forever
And here I go far away
I know you'll find another slave

'Cause now I'm free from what you want
Now I'm free from what you need
Now I'm free from what you are

Then a vision came to me
When you came along
I gave you everything
But then you wanted more

'Cause now I'm free from what you want
Now I'm free from what you need
Now I'm free from what you are

Now I'm free from what you want
Now I'm free from what you need
Now I'm free from what you are