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The Gloaming - Radiohead


The Gloaming
Album: Hail to the Thief
Skupina/interpret: Radiohead
Délka: 00:00:00
Pořadí: 8
Zobrazeno: 1303x
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Text skladby

Genie let out the bottle
It is now the witching hour
Genie let out the bottle
It is now the witching hour

Murderers you're murderers
We are not the same as you

Genie let out the bottle
Funny haha funny how

When the walls bend
When the walls bend
With your breathing
With your breathing

When the walls bend
When the walls bend
With your breathing
With your breathing
With your breathing

They will suck you down
To the otherside
They will suck you down
To the otherside
They will suck you down
To the otherside
They will suck you down
To the otherside

To the shadows blue and red
To the shadows blue and red
Your alarm bells
Your alarm bells

To the shadows blue and red
To the shadows blue and red
Your alarm bells
Your alarm bells

Should be ringing

This is the gloaming