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St. Jimmy - Green Day


St. Jimmy
Album: American Idiot
Skupina/interpret: Green Day
Délka: 00:02:55
Pořadí: 6
Zobrazeno: 2829x
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St. Jimmy's comin' down across the alleywayUpon the blvd. like a zipgun on paradeLight of a silhouetteHe's insubordinateComin' at you on the count of 1, 2...1,2,3,4!My name is Jimmy and you better not wear it outSuicide commando that your mama talked aboutKing of the 40 thieves and I'm here to representThe needle in the vein of the establishmentI'm the patron saint of the denial, With an angel face and a taste for suicidalCigarettes and ramen and a little bag of dope, I'm am the son of a bitch and Edgar Allen PoeRaised in the city under a halo of lightsProduct of war and fear that we've been victimizedI'm the patron saint of the denial, With an angel face and a taste for suicidal [St. Jimmy lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]Are you talkin to me?!I'll give you somethin to cry about!!St. Jimmy!!My name is St. Jimmy I'm a son of a gun I'm the one that's from the way outside nowA teenage assasin executing some fun in the cult of the life of crime nowI'd really hate to say it but I told you soSo shut your mouh before I shoot you down old boyWelcome to the club and give me some bloodI'm the resident leader of the lost and foundIt's comedy!And tragedy!It's St. Jimmy!And that's my name!!......And don't wear it out!!!!!!!!